Unconventional Yet Effective: Home Insemination Gave Them The Baby Girl They Dreamed Of

Unconventional Yet Effective: Home Insemination Gave Them The Baby Girl They Dreamed Of

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“I want people to know that they shouldn't be scared or think it's taboo to use a slightly more unconventional method like this. Because if it works like it did for me, you won't care how you conceived!”

Emma and David* were ready for the next step after settling down in February 2023. But after trying to conceive for about a year, the emotional toll was starting to creep in. The constant tracking of ovulation proved to be incredibly draining.  The couple turned to fertility tests to check for underlying fertility issues, which revealed male factors such as low sperm count and motility. 

Throughout this period, they were surprised to find that no medical professional suggested they explore at-home insemination kits. Instead, they were directed towards the more expensive IVF routes.  

Looking back, they are incredibly grateful for this easy and affordable option of twoplus home insemination kits and wish they had discovered it earlier in their trying to conceive journey.

On 13th November 2024, their lives were blessed with the arrival of their beautiful baby girl, healthy and happy!

Read on for the full story.

*Note: Customer's name was changed to protect privacy.
Responses were edited minimally for clarity.


Q: Hi, Emma! Tell us a bit about yourself! How old are you and your partner, and what are your ethnicities? What do you both work as?

A: My partner David*, and myself are both 31 years old and both white British. I work as a Project Manager for a local authority and David works as a Journalist.

Q: Congratulations on your pregnancy! Can you share a bit about your journey to parenthood?

A: We have been together [for] 10 years and after purchasing a house together and getting to a good position in our careers, we made the decision we were ready for the next step. We started trying in Feb 2023.

Q: What were some of the biggest challenges you faced while trying for a baby?

A: The emotional toll definitely! It's a rollercoaster of emotions every single month and requires a lot of admin [time] to track your cycle and do ovulation tests. 

Q: Were you diagnosed with any medical conditions relating to fertility by a licensed healthcare professional, and what tests did you do?

A: After a while of trying with no success, I ordered an at-home fertility blood test. The results came back fine. David ordered an at-home fertility test as well and his came back with low markers. Following this we decided to commission further tests through Kings Fertility Hospital in London. These tests were more extensive and confirmed the lower sperm count and motility than the expected levels for his age.  

Q: How did you first find out about twoplus Applicator, and what made it stand out as a solution for you?

A: During the year we were trying for a baby, I got advertised with a lot of different products on Instagram, [but] this one stood out. We decided to try it because it was an affordable alternative method. The only other option we had left was to go down the IVF route.

Q: Could you describe your experience with the twoplus Applicator?

A: Really nice packaging with simple and easy to use instructions. The applicator itself didn't look large (more like a standard tampon). The whole process was really easy!

Q: How often within each cycle did you find yourself using the Applicator?

A: We successfully got pregnant the first time we used the twoplus applicator. We used it twice on my two most fertile days - identified from an ovulation test.

Q: Apart from using the twoplus Applicator, did you make any lifestyle changes to improve your odds of conceiving?

A: Yes we were both on conception vitamins and I used an ovulation app tracker and the clear blue ovulation tests. 

Supporting your TTC journey with the right nutrition is key. twoplus Fertility Complete provides essential nutrients like CoQ10, folic acid, and myo-inositol, specifically formulated to support both male and female reproductive health.

Q: What else have you tried in your conception journey before using twoplus?

A: nothing!

Q: Would you recommend the twoplus Applicator to couples who are trying to conceive? Why or why not?

A: Absolutely! I would definitely try it as an alternative or even just alongside natural methods. I wish we had tried it earlier! I want people to know that they shouldn't be scared or think it's taboo to use a slightly more unconventional method like this. Because if it works, like it did for me, you won't care how you conceived! Please do try this before going down more expensive routes too. We found that nobody in the medical profession advised us about trying to use an at-home insemination kit; they were pointing us towards the more expensive IVF routes. I'm so glad we tried this first!

Q: What would you say to someone considering the use of twoplus Applicator in their fertility journey?

A: Go for it. If it works, it's the best money you'll ever spend.

Q: If you could go back to the beginning of your conception journey, what would you have done differently?

A: Definitely used the twoplus applicator earlier. For once I am glad that I was advertised a product, otherwise I wouldn't have known this existed. 

Q: You and your partner have a lot to look forward to! How does it feel? How are you guys preparing?

A: It still feels surreal but we are so excited for our next adventure and our little girl is due in November 24.

Disclaimer: Results may vary based on individual health, lifestyle, and adherence to product usage.


Work Toward Pregnancy Success With the Applicator

It’s understandably frustrating when you’ve trying for more than a year but still haven’t gotten the positive news you’ve been hoping for.  At-home insemination kits like the twoplus Applicator bring new options for folks like Emma and her partner David despite low sperm count and motility.

If your TTC story sounds similar to Emma’s, it might be high time to try the twoplus Applicator to work toward pregnancy success! With determination and the right tools, your dream family is achievable.